If you think you've outgrown email for support-you have.
You'll think, “Why didn't I do this sooner?” Automations and self-service resources save you hours each day. Customer reports make every product decision undeniably clear. Your entire staff feels comfortable using the platform and you finally have that customer-centric business you always dreamed of.
Why growing teams prefer Groove vs Email
As your company grows, Groove's intuitive dashboard makes it easy for new team members to organize, prioritize, and solve customer problems—without losing a personal touch.
By assigning conversations to specific team members, it’s always clear who is responsible for what.
Add internal notes to your conversations to have private discussions with your teammates.
Easily see if somebody is already replying to a conversation to avoid embarrassing double replies.
Quickly @mention a teammate to bring them in the loop.
Knowledge Base & widget
90% of customers prefer to help themselves with an easy-to-use Knowledge Base. It's a win-win for small businesses—you'll decrease support volume and increase customer engagement.
"Whenever we start getting the same question more than a few times, we just turn the answer into a Knowledge Base article. It's saved us a ton of time."
Instant Replies
No complicated technical jargon. No robotic ticket numbers. Groove's simple automations—like routing, tagging, and instant replies—save you time right out of the box.
"Groove is a turnkey solution that allows us to focus on serving our users instead of building unnecessary custom tools."
Insightful reporting
With emails under control, you can start to build a long-term strategy based on metrics like customer happiness, team productivity, and customer engagement.
"I had no visibility into what our actual response times were in Gmail. Consequently, there was no way to know if we were getting faster or slower, better or worse in what we do."
Seamless integrations
Handle complicated issues with ease by connecting all your other tools—social media platforms, productivity apps, CRMs, and more—to the Groove Inbox.
"Our Inbox was a mess—Gmail’s good, but not that good. We tried to forward support emails into JIRA and it just created tons of badly written, duplicate issues. Sleep is important, so we signed up for Groove."
2,000 growing businesses have already made the switch.
“I recommend Groove to many people over ZenDesk. I love the simplicity and ease of use.”
“My job is much more efficient with Groove, and the data has shown a 35% increase in productivity.”
“Groove is 500% better. Way better than ZenDesk. It looks like a personal email, not a ticket. It’s definitely a game-changer.”
“I don’t need or want all the fluff in a full-blown help desk package. I don’t have the time to figure that out.”
“Zendesk feels like something out of the late nineties. It's so painful. Groove was like a breath of fresh air.”
“Groove’s workflow just made sense, compared to the insane amount of do-it-yourself setup you had to do with Zendesk.”
“We're free to work on our business instead of babysitting the help desk software.”
“For the few times we've needed support, Groove’s team knows what they're talking about. That's always refreshing.”
“We needed a ticketing system to make sure things didn’t slip between the cracks as we scaled.”
“We went with Groove to keep it simple.”
“Groove makes it easy to connect with customers, increase sales, and limit those who stop paying for my services.”
“What we love about Groove is that we don’t have to choose between simplicity and functionality.”
“Unlike some of the other software we tried, Groove wasn't bloated with dozens of features we'd never use.”
“Groove gives us all the features we need to give awesome customer support that looks and feels just like email.”
“We appreciate the simplicity, the ease of setup, and the experience our customers have using Groove.”
“Other products included too many features and ended up being expensive overkills for us. Nothing felt right until Groove.”
“Groove is a turnkey solution that allows us to focus on serving our users instead of building unnecessary custom tools.”
“Whenever we get the same question multiple times, we turn the answer into a Knowledge Base post. Groove saves us a ton of time.”
“We love answering our customers’ emails via Groove. It's so user-friendly and I love the helpful blog posts!”
“Our users can easily find answers to their questions using our Knowledge Base without needing to wait for a response from us.”