Groove REST API is no longer in active development; please use the new for more robust features
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OAuth Access

To enable your application to allow Groove logins through OAuth2 authentication please contact us for assistance!

Requesting a Grant


In order to prompt the user to grant the access, we need to open a browser window. Use the URL above and use the table below to replace to the correct values:

Key Value
client_id Your Client ID emailed to you for your application.
redirect_uri Your Redirect URI which you supplied to us.
This has to match or your request will be rejected!

When the user grants access to your application, that callback URI will be triggered and you will receive our authorization code.

Next step is to fetch the authenticated users access token.

Getting an Access Token


Your user will be redirected back to your application with our code parameter which must be used below.

Create a POST request to the URL above, to recieve your users access token for authentication against our API.

The required parameters are:

Key Value
client_id Your Client ID emailed to you for your application.
client_secret Your Client Secret emailed to you for your application.
redirect_uri Your Redirect URI which you supplied to us.
This has to match or your request will be rejected!
grant_type Your grant type which should be "authorization_code"
code The authorization code received in the previous step.

Example Response

    "access_token": "09ba487fc3df...",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "expires_in": 7200,
    "refresh_token": "8c488ab5f75d61..."

Next step is to extract the access_token and use it to authenticate against our API.