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Knowledge bases Translations

Listing available knowledge base translations



Name Type Required Default Notes
locale string Yes The RFC 5646 locale code of the translation.

Example Request

curl -i -X GET \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $GROOVE_API_KEY" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Example Response

Status: 200 OK

    "user": {},
    "default": {
        "article_zero": "0 articles",
        "article_one": "1 article",
        "article_other": "%{count} articles",
        "article_no_title": "This article has no title",
        "article_suggestions": "Article suggestions",
        "articles_found_for_term": "%{count} articles found for “%{term}”",
        "articles_in_category": "%{count} articles in this category",
        "articles_not_found_for_tag": "We found no articles tagged as “%{tag}”",
        "articles_not_found_for_term": "We found no articles for “%{term}”",
        "articles_tagged_as": "%{count} articles tagged as “%{tag}”",
        "categories": "Categories",
        "category_no_articles": "There are no articles in this category yet",
        "featured_articles": "Featured articles",
        "first_page": "First",
        "found_article_helpful": "Did you find this article helpful?",
        "home": "Home",
        "last_page": "Last",
        "page_not_found_body": "The page you're looking for either doesn't exist or has moved.",
        "page_not_found_heading": "Uh-oh, we can't find that page!",
        "page_not_found": "Page Not Found",
        "password_incorrect": "The password is incorrect",
        "people_found_article_helpful": "%{count} out of %{total} people found this article helpful so far",
        "published_in": "Published in",
        "related_articles": "Related articles",
        "return_home": "Return home",
        "search_results": "Search results",
        "sign_in_heading": "Sign in to %{name}",
        "sign_in": "Sign in",
        "tag_results": "Tag results",
        "tags": "Tags",
        "thankyou_rating": "Thank you for leaving a rating!",
        "updated_on": "Updated on",
        "view_more": "View more",
        "view_all_category_articles": "View all articles in “%{category}”",
        "written_by": "Written by",
        "contact_form_link_title": "Can't find what you're looking for?",
        "contact_form_link": "Get in touch",
        "contact_form_title": "How can we help?",
        "contact_form_description": "Send your question below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.",
        "contact_form_label_email": "Email address",
        "contact_form_label_subject": "Subject",
        "contact_form_label_message": "Message",
        "contact_form_field_required": "Required",
        "contact_form_button_send": "Send message",
        "contact_form_button_cancel": "Cancel",
        "contact_form_confirmation_title": "Thanks for your message!",
        "contact_form_confirmation_message": "We really appreciate your feedback and will get back to you as soon as possible.",
        "contact_form_matching_articles": "matching articles",
        "contact_form_all_articles": "See all articles",
        "contact_form_dropzone": "Drop files here"
    "english": {
        "article_zero": "0 articles",
        "article_one": "1 article",
        "article_other": "%{count} articles",
        "article_no_title": "This article has no title",
        "article_suggestions": "Article suggestions",
        "articles_found_for_term": "%{count} articles found for “%{term}”",
        "articles_in_category": "%{count} articles in this category",
        "articles_not_found_for_tag": "We found no articles tagged as “%{tag}”",
        "articles_not_found_for_term": "We found no articles for “%{term}”",
        "articles_tagged_as": "%{count} articles tagged as “%{tag}”",
        "categories": "Categories",
        "category_no_articles": "There are no articles in this category yet",
        "featured_articles": "Featured articles",
        "first_page": "First",
        "found_article_helpful": "Did you find this article helpful?",
        "home": "Home",
        "last_page": "Last",
        "page_not_found_body": "The page you're looking for either doesn't exist or has moved.",
        "page_not_found_heading": "Uh-oh, we can't find that page!",
        "page_not_found": "Page Not Found",
        "password_incorrect": "The password is incorrect",
        "people_found_article_helpful": "%{count} out of %{total} people found this article helpful so far",
        "published_in": "Published in",
        "related_articles": "Related articles",
        "return_home": "Return home",
        "search_results": "Search results",
        "sign_in_heading": "Sign in to %{name}",
        "sign_in": "Sign in",
        "tag_results": "Tag results",
        "tags": "Tags",
        "thankyou_rating": "Thank you for leaving a rating!",
        "updated_on": "Updated on",
        "view_more": "View more",
        "view_all_category_articles": "View all articles in “%{category}”",
        "written_by": "Written by",
        "contact_form_link_title": "Can't find what you're looking for?",
        "contact_form_link": "Get in touch",
        "contact_form_title": "How can we help?",
        "contact_form_description": "Send your question below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.",
        "contact_form_label_email": "Email address",
        "contact_form_label_subject": "Subject",
        "contact_form_label_message": "Message",
        "contact_form_field_required": "Required",
        "contact_form_button_send": "Send message",
        "contact_form_button_cancel": "Cancel",
        "contact_form_confirmation_title": "Thanks for your message!",
        "contact_form_confirmation_message": "We really appreciate your feedback and will get back to you as soon as possible.",
        "contact_form_matching_articles": "matching articles",
        "contact_form_all_articles": "See all articles",
        "contact_form_dropzone": "Drop files here"

Updating knowledge base translations



Name Type Required Default Notes
locale string Yes The RFC 5646 locale code of the translation.

Example Request

curl -i -X PUT \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $GROOVE_API_KEY" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
        "translations": {
            "article_suggestions": "Article recommendations"

Example Response

Status: 200 OK

    "user": {
        "article_suggestions": "Article recommendations"

Reseting knowledge base translations



Name Type Required Default Notes
locale string Yes The RFC 5646 locale code of the translation.

Example Request

curl -i -X PUT \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $GROOVE_API_KEY" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Example Response

Same as Listing translations with all user translations deleted.

Deleting a translation



Name Type Required Default Notes
locale string Yes The RFC 5646 locale code of the translation.

Example Request

curl -i -X DELETE \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $GROOVE_API_KEY" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Example Response

Same as Listing translations with user translation by given translationKey deleted.